Fully-featured mobile numbers in an app. For personal or business use. Call or sms on any device. All from one app. The best way to control your availability! Free video calling and chat features.
Make and receive calls and text messages on any device. Improve your work-life balance and privacy
Regardless of where you are located, with Call.com you can get a local number in select countries in just one click. Choose between mobile numbers and landline numbers. We are constantly adding support for more countries.
Get full control of your time by setting your availability and automatically redirect to your personalized voicemail for each number
Need to share your phone number with strangers? Keep your privacy intact with a Call.com virtual number and block contacts at any time.
Call.com gives you low international calling rates. Make video calls and chat for free.
Get the best rates for calling hundreds of destination all over the world.
Make unlimited and free video calls with your friends, family or colleagues on any device using the Call.com app.
Keep your communication engaged with voice messages, images, video and emojis.
Organize virtual phone numbers for your team with central control and billing. For use in sales, support and local presence
Buy credit and give your team the ability to call using the company credit balance and enjoy centralized billing. Set custom usage limits.
Each number can have a personalized voicemail, and availability is controlled by the user.
Assign and re-assign business mobile phone numbers to your employees in a matter of clicks.